Martin Asbæk Gallery, (Copenhagen)DK
20. marts – 11. april 2009
In works of video, computer animation, print, sculpture as well as papercuts Danish artist Jesper Carlsen (b. 1977) explores different patterns, how they are created and the ways in which they affect human perception.
For instance in a series of prints entitled Moiré (RGB) and the sculpture Colour Vision inspired by the British artist Brion Gysin and his Dream Machine (1960) based on a record player – a kind of flicker device that produces visual stimuli.
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Moiré (RGB-print)” 2009 and ”Moiré (Grey-print)” 2009
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Moiré (Grey-print)” 2009 and “Flare” 2009
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Moiré (RGB-print)” 2009 and ”Moiré (Wallpaper)” 2009
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Moiré (Grey-print)” 2009
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Moiré (Wallpaper)” 2009
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Moiré (Wallpaper)” 2009
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Colour Visions” 2009 and “Flicker (Black and White Rotating at Accelerating Speed)” 2008
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Colour Visions” 2009 and “Flicker (Black and White Rotating at Accelerating Speed)” 2008
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Copenhagen Flicker” 2009
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK “Flicker (Black and White Rotating at Accelerating Speed)” 2008
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK “Flicker (Black and White Rotating at Accelerating Speed)” 2008
installation view. Martin Asbæk Gallery, DK ”Moiré (Paper cut)” 2009