solo exhibition at :

LATENT SPACES is the second part of the spring exhibitions on architecture and representation. The previous ARV (HERITAGE) was about dealing with the past in the form of documentation of modernist buildings in a specific place and with architectural photography as a medium. For LATENT SPACES, visual artist Jesper Carlsen creates a number of new works that interact with spaces that may exist, but are so far hidden; which has not yet come to fruition.  

Where ARV showed analog and digital photography – camera-based work that could only be created out there in the physical world, Jesper Carlsen on the other hand with LATENT SPACES will show us the synthetic image – works that are a peek into the accumulation of images we surround ourselves with. The works Jesper Carlsen shows us are not classical photography, but rather an imprint of the gradual collection and storage of images that has occurred since the advent of the Internet up to today, where the amount has increased to such an extent that neural networks are now able to form perfect, synthetic images themselves – written not with light, but with codes. 

LATENT SPACES is part of Copenhagen Photo Festival 2024 and will be a focal point for the important conversation about where photography stands right now, a few years into (commercial) AI. There is currently a great polarization, with many seeing photography threatened by AI. With LATENT SPACES, Prospekt wants to see if the ends can meet; where there are coincidences and contradictions in the formation of images. 

The process towards establishing the photographic process, based on the perspective theory of the rennaisance and chemical insight , finds its parallels in the realizations within data technology that have now led to the opportunities we see these years with so-called artificial intelligence, which is rather a reflection of our pixel-based leftovers.  

For LATENT SPACES, Jesper Carlsen has scanned Prospekt and let this information flow into his art together with the use of digital tools. The result is a new depiction of space.   

 Supported by the City of Copenhagen, the Council for Visual Arts, the Danish Arts Foundation and Dreyer’s Foundation.