“D. Light” 2007

Video/animation, 2min 20 sec. Loop. DVD pal. An animation is projected on the fixture of a fluorescent lamp (without the…

“Mole hills” 2007

four piles of dirt. Public artwork for the exhibition “Free Space” Sønder Boulevard(Copenhager)DK.          

“Smutugle” 2006

DVD, manipulated video and computer animation Duration: 1min. 17 sec. loop. “Smutugle” is the Danish name for “Noctua pronuba” or…

installation view. Filosofgangen, Odense, DK

”Buzz” 2006

HD pal computer animation 4min. loop Stereo sound 16:9 A 3D computer constructed fluorescent light (looking real at first glance)…

”Gulls” 2006

Manipulated video Duration 37 sec. loop DVD Manipulated video footage of a gull. The gull is copied into the footage…

“Spider” 2006

Custom-made animation/projection, 3min. Loop. DVD. An animated spider, custom made to the room concerned. The spider crawls out from the…